HomeHealthThe Different Types of Thyroid Disease to Know About

The Different Types of Thyroid Disease to Know About

The Different Types of Thyroid Disease to Know About

Thyroid can be any one of the debilitating conditions that affect the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces a hormone known as thyroxine which regulates the metabolic functions of the body and helps in body growth. An imbalance in thyroid hormone levels can cause a number of complications.

A thyroid hormone imbalance may be caused by a number of factors including immune system disorders, inflammation of the thyroid gland, exposure to lithium and radioactive iodine, etc. While the symptoms may cause a lot of discomfort and agony, they can be successfully managed and treated using medications and other precautionary measures. Let us take a look at the thyroid disease and its causes, symptoms, types, and treatments.

Types of thyroid disease
Types of thyroid diseases include hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, and goiter.

This is characterized by excess production of thyroxine hormone. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by consuming too much iodine. Grave’s disease, which is an immune system disorder, may also cause hyperthyroidism by causing the thyroid gland to produce more thyroxine. This condition may lead to symptoms such as heavy sweating, inability to concentrate, tiredness, tremor, etc. One might not be able to tolerate heat and will experience an increased heart rate.

Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid disease, and its causes, symptoms, and types are well-known. It can happen due to the thyroid gland being surgically removed for some reason, or due to inflammation of the gland. Being exposed to excess iodine or lithium can also be a contributing factor. This condition leads to symptoms such as constipation, depression, joint and muscle pain, tiredness, etc.

Goiter refers to an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It could be harmless in some cases, but may produce cough and make it difficult to breathe or swallow.

Thyroid nodules
Lumps in the thyroid gland are referred to as nodules. They are mostly benign, but in some cases may turn out to be cancerous. When nodules grow larger, they may cause complications.

Thyroid cancer
This is a dangerous thyroid disease, and its causes, symptoms, and types are under constant research. It is mostly caused by genetic abnormalities of the DNA or exposure to radiation, apart from a few other causes. It has a high cure rate when detected in the early stages.

Treatment procedures
Thyroid disease treatment procedures include:

  • Hyperthyroidism can be treated with medications that aim to lower the level of thyroid hormone in the body. It may also be treated with surgery or radioactive iodine. Hypothyroidism is a known side effect.
  • Hypothyroidism is usually treated with hormone replacement procedures. Levothyroxine may be taken as a replacement. Antidepressants, warfarin, and digitalis medicines may also be prescribed by the doctor.
  • Thyroid cancer treatment depends on the stage the cancer is in. In the early stages, surgery is the preferred treatment procedure. If the cancer has spread, radiation therapy or chemotherapy is used.

Thyroid conditions are painful and debilitating, but with advancements in modern medicine, the symptoms can be managed effectively, even leading to complete cure in some cases. High-risk individuals should follow preventive measures.

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